Stealth Hunter
Stealth Hunter
Stealth Hunter
Stealth Hunter
Stealth Hunter

Stealth Hunter



Stealth Hunter is a skill-based 3D game in which you can sneak through an office building with a ninja. There are security guards everywhere, and they are armed with guns. Sneak up behind the guards and make sure you don’t get caught in the beam of their flashlights. If you get close enough without being seen, you can assassinate them with your sword.

How to play Stealth Hunter?

Sneak through the building as you quietly take down the guards and collect all of the money that has been dropped onto the floor. If the guards catch sight of you, they will start shooting and most likely kill your ninja very quickly. Watch out for the security cameras as well. If you get caught on film, the alarm will go off, drawing even more security guards to the spot.

Desarrollador de juegos


Fecha de salida

August 17, 2021